Jun 15, 2015 | Work Comp Info
When you’re hurt at work, and start your worker’s compensation claim, it’s just the beginning of a long and difficult process. You might think that things are very straightforward: you can’t work, therefore, you shouldn’t. But you might not have taken into account how... May 21, 2015 | Workers' Compensation News
Late yesterday afternoon, an organization which is near and dear to my heart, the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Association, sent an email to all of its members, alerting us to contact our State Representatives and to tell them that we oppose further changes to the... May 11, 2015 | Workers' Compensation News
On May 5, 2015, the Illinois House of Representatives convened a hearing that went for some eight hours. Much of the eight hours included testimony and questions of injured workers who had been affected by this Compensation Act, some from the state of Indiana. Except...