Mar 3, 2017 | Illinois Workers' Comp Info
One of the most important aspects of your workers’ comp case is your medical care. Your health is the first and most important thing we want to make sure has our full support. We want our clients to get the full medical care needed for their injuries, however... Feb 24, 2017 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
If the act of bending over to perform a task is a risk distinctly associated with your job duties, and doing so leads to an injury, you could have a winning workers’ comp case! Here’s a look at a recent hard-fought case with this issue: Mark Mytnik worked... Feb 22, 2017 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
If you are injured at work while doing something that: A.) Your employer might reasonably expect you to do to fulfill job duties, and B.) Exposes you to a risk of injury greater than that of the general public, then you have a chance to win a workers’ comp... Feb 20, 2017 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
An interesting work injury problem is when it isn’t clear if a worker has a neck injury or a shoulder/arm injury. Injuries to these two body parts often result in very similar symptoms, and it can take time for doctors to sort things out. Here is a quick recap... Dec 19, 2016 | Illinois Workers' Comp Info
If the insurance company sends you a letter and claims you are required to attend an exam with their doctor, do you have to go? In a word: Yes. Your employer will both select and pay for this doctor to examine you to give an opinion regarding the nature and extent of... Nov 4, 2016 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
If you have a pre-existing condition, can you get workers’ comp benefits? Yes, you can. In the recent Illinois case of Sandra Johnson-Clemons v. Rush University Medical Center, this issue was raised. As in many cases, the specific evidence offered was key to... Oct 26, 2016 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
Can you get workers’ compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)? Yes, you can. Such cases are known as repetitive trauma work injuries. You can get workers’ comp if you can: Properly document your job duties. Have a qualified doctor provide a... Oct 3, 2016 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
You work in a cafeteria. Your job involves reaching out and up, and even standing on your toes, to place a very light plate of food onto a glass partition. One day, while doing this, you hear a pop in your shoulder, and feel pain. Obvious work injury case, right?... Jun 7, 2016 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
If you are injured at work through repetitive trauma, or, in other words, the act of repeating some action or actions which lead to physical problems, you may be entitled to benefits under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act. “Repetition is... May 17, 2016 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
If your workers’ compensation claim ends, sometimes, it really isn’t over yet. It depends on the exact circumstances of your situation. One way this happens is when a condition at least in part causally related to your work injury ends up causing you serious medical... May 3, 2016 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
In an Illinois work injury case, one of the more complicated things that can happen is for there to be, before a case resolves, a second accident (or intervening accident) that is not work related—such as a car accident completely outside of work—which may or may not... Dec 11, 2015 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
In the case of Bolingbrook Police Department v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission, a police officer named Michael Toles injured his back on February 17, 2009, while lifting his duty bag from a location at his personal residence into his personal vehicle, prior... Oct 9, 2015 | Illinois Workers' Comp Info
On March 10, 2015, the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission decided the case of Betancourt, Petitioner, v. Oxy Dry Corporation, Respondent. This decision affirmed the decision of the arbitrator, in almost all aspects of the original decision. There was... Jun 16, 2015 | Work Comp Info
Pursuant to the law under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, a workers’ compensation insurance company has the right to request that an injured worker sees a doctor of their choice for an “Independent Medical Exam,” which the injured worker is required to...