Dec 26, 2017 | Illinois Workers' Comp Info
When Should You Hire an Attorney for a Workers’ Compensation Case? You should at least TALK TO AN ATTORNEY as soon as possible. The main reason? Basic guidance every step of the way, and no attorney fees until and unless we collect for you at the end of your... Oct 3, 2016 | Case Law News, Illinois Workers' Comp Info
You work in a cafeteria. Your job involves reaching out and up, and even standing on your toes, to place a very light plate of food onto a glass partition. One day, while doing this, you hear a pop in your shoulder, and feel pain. Obvious work injury case, right?... Oct 19, 2015 | Illinois Workers' Comp Info
You can find a lot of information and advice on what TO do. This post will focus on what NOT to do, and some of the reasons why. 1.) DO NOT work through the pain instead of reporting it right away. If you do this, at least a few main problems are created down the... Jun 11, 2015 | Work Comp Info
In many fields of work, if you are injured on the job, your employer will send you to their occupational clinic. Often times, the occupational clinic does not have your best interests in mind. For example, here is a scenario: You work in construction, mostly at job... May 14, 2015 | Work Comp Info
A workers’ compensation insurance company, third-party administrator or any other adjusting company in reality has a conflict of interest. Conflict exists because the company has received the premium from an insured employer or paid for a contract from a...